GCT Global Container Terminals' Deltaport Berth Four (DP4) project is a smart, incremental and environmentally-conscious plan to add container terminal capacity at Roberts Bank in Delta, B.C. through the addition of a fourth berth to the existing GCT Deltaport Terminal.
DP4 will add up to 2 million TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units) of market-driven and privately-funded capacity which will help keep Canadian port rates competitive and is no risk to taxpayers, unlike the Port of Vancouver's very expensive and flawed Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (RBT2) plan.
This is why it is time to #RejectRBT2 before it's too late and the permanent environmental damage is done, and billions in taxpayer money is needlessly spent.
GCT's DP4 project continues to move forward and achieve key milestones in the regulatory review process.
In October 2021, Regulators accepted the Detailed Project Description and determined that the project would require an Impact Assessment. Learn more about the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada and BC Environmental Assessment Office's harmonized review of the project and how to engage.
In May 2022, as part of the coordinated impact assessment process, the BC Environmental Assessment Agency (BCEAO) issued the Process Order for the project and the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC) issued the final Joint Guidelines and Notice of Commencement moving the DP4 project forward to the Impact Statement Development Phase.
As the DP4 project continues to progress, GCT will continue to actively engage and collaborate with regulatory agencies, Indigenous communities, local stakeholders, and supply chain partners.
Learn more about GCT