Port Authority of Vancouver’s superport will damage the Fraser Delta


In February 2018, Environment and Climate Change Canada characterized the environmental impacts of the Port Authority of Vancouver’s Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (RBT2) project as “permanent, irreversible, and, continuous.

The Federal Review Panel for RBT2 concluded that the project would result in "numerous significant adverse residual and cumulative effects.

Most recently, in October 2022, Environment and Climate Change Canada reiterated that despite the Port of Vancouver’s attempts at mitigation, “the change predicted as a result of the [RBT2] Project would likely constitute an unmitigable species-level risk to Western Sandpipers, and shorebirds more generally.” Here is a link to that report.

Now, The Tyee explores The Intensifying Push to Build a Fraser Delta Superport:

As Canada prepares to host a global summit on biodiversity, a proposed $3.5 billion superport just south of Vancouver is testing the Trudeau government’s bold environmental commitments.

Once the Port Authority‘s massive, artificial island is built in the ecologically-sensitive Salish Sea, the damage will be done.

Watch video: Environmental problems with Port of Vancouver's Roberts Bank Terminal 2

It is time to consider the facts, the data, the science, and the economy. It is time to #RejectRBT2 and choose to build a #BetterDeltaport.

Email your Member of Parliament to help stop the Port of Vancouver’s harmful expansion project.

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