The Port of Vancouver keeps claiming that RBT2 will not be publicly funded


The Port of Vancouver, which as a crown corporation is a federal government entity, keeps claiming that its proposed Roberts Bank Terminal 2 (RBT2) project will not be funded by taxpayers.

Since the launch of the Government of Canada’s National Trader Corridors Fund (NTCF) in 2017, the Port of Vancouver has received more than $314 million dollars to support 15 projects through this federal government program. This represents 13% of the 115 NTCF projects and 12% of the $2.6 billion in NTCF funding. See chart below.

Why will the Port of Vancouver’s Roberts Bank Terminal 2 project be any different and not require federal government funding?

Fortunately, there is a better solution for West Coast container terminal capacity that will in fact be fully-funded by private investment.

Learn more by watching this short video.





Annacis Auto Terminal Optimization

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Consolidating two existing auto terminal operations within the Port of Vancouver into one
Expanding and optimizing Annacis Auto Terminal (AAT) to handle both auto terminal operations
Repurposing the Richmond Terminal (RT) to handle export trade related operations and development


Area V Initiative Project

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Preparation of an undeveloped 40-acre parcel land within the Fraser Richmond Industrial Lands for the handling and storage of empty containers.


Burrard Inlet Road and Rail Improvement Projects

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Building: a 600 metre, 2-lane elevated structure
a 600-metre extension of the existing 2-lane Waterfront Road
road infrastructure along Commissioner Street
5.3 km of new railway track along the Canadian Pacific Railway Cascade Subdivision


Container Examination Visibility System

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Development and implementation of technology for the management of containers flagged for inspection.


Fraser Surrey Port Lands Transportation Improvements

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Improving the fluidity and safety of road and rail traffic operations to support container, forest products, steel and logistics activities
Enabling the development of new rail-serviced bulk export marine terminals over the longer-term


Gateway Transportation Collaboration Forum (GTCF) Secretariat Fund

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Support ongoing work of the Gateway Transportation Collaboration Forum Secretariat, which brings together a number of governmental and private organizations to identify gateway infrastructure priorities in Metro Vancouver.


Harris Road Underpass and Kennedy Road Overpass

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Building: a rail siding to support the Canadian Pacific Railway Vancouver Intermodal Facility
a 4-lane road underpass crossing below the railway track
a 2-lane road overpass crossing above the railway track


Mountain Highway Underpass

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Lowering the northbound lane of Mountain Highway to give enough clearance for oversized cargo to pass under the existing Canadian National Railway structure
Realigning a 250 meter section of Dominion Street
Improving access and sidewalks


North Shore Corridor Capacity Improvement

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Upgrading the Thornton Rail Tunnel
Building a 5.5 km staging track
Designing and rebuilding Douglas Road to pass over the railway


Pitt River Road and Colony Farm Road Rail Overpasses Project

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Developing engineering designs to: separate the road and railway corridors by raising both Pitt River Road and Colony Farm Road to pass over the Canadian Pacific Railway
double-track a 5.2 km section of the Canadian Pacific Railway


Portside Blundell Overpass and Upgrade

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Alleviating the existing traffic congestion issues caused by the high traffic volumes in the Portside/Blundell corridor


Short Sea Shipping - Concept Development

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Evaluating the viability of short sea shipping in Greater Vancouver
Developing a concept of short sea shipping to a stage where a confident investment decision could be made by relevant parties
Exploring opportunities to move marine containers by barge from VFPA container terminals to an off-dock location(s) on the Fraser River
Exploring prospects of a break-bulk service with the Port of Nanaimo


South Shore 3rd Main Line: Engineering Study

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Development of a plan for capacity improvements along a segment of rail that links Canadian Pacific's intermodal and rail yards in Metro Vancouver with grain and container terminals in the Port of Vancouver's South Shore Trade Area.


West Coast Supply Chain Visibility System

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Developing a series of operational planning and optimization tools to improve the fluidity, resiliency, and usage of the supply chain capacity across western Canada
Developing a near real-time dashboard to measure end-to-end performance of the supply chain for all cargo moving through the Port of Vancouver and the Port of Prince Rupert


Westwood Street and Kingsway Avenue Grade-Separations Project

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Developing engineering designs for 2 grade separations: the Canadian Pacific Railway Cascade Subdivision at Westwood Street
Kingsway Avenue in Coquitlam along the Canadian Pacific Railway Westminster Subdivision




